Dear Bottlepost fans!
Hope all of you are well and the pictures bought from me are in their final place 🙂 unless it will be a Xmas present
As some of you may know I have attended 2 markets in November.
One of them was on the 20th Nov in Szimpla Kert and the other was on the 28th Nov at Anker market organised by Kiskert piac.
Szimpla Kert 20.11.2021
Before the markets are starting the sellers are going there 1 hour in advance to get all things done by the time the first customers are arriving.
Usually, some helpers are there setting up the tables for you…this time they probably overslept and we had to set up the tables for ourselves. The organiser, Juli was there and helped us.
When I arrived at Szimpla Kert, my favourite spot was already taken, so I had to choose another one.
The place I have taken, seemed good, until the point that a bird pooped on my table, then on my pictures, table again… at least 7 times they pooped above me! Hahaha!! 😀
That’s called luck, isn’t it?
I have to say I had luck.
My first customer was a french girl who is living in Budapest. Then I had visitors from the North of Spain, from Bilbao who became my customers as well 🙂 They bought one of my favourite pictures, the Teapot.
When I got to know that Maria and her husband are from Bilbao I was super happy, as I have been there with my mom about 10 years ago. When I got off the bus in the city centre of Bilbao I thought for a moment that I am at Andrassy avenue in Budapest. Immediately felt at home. 🙂
A Hungarian lady, Éva contacted me via FB after I came home from Szimpla Kert.
She has booked one of my mini framed pictures and picked it up personally at kiskert piac on the 28th of Nov.
Kiskert Piac 28.11.2021
The experience is still fresh as the fair was 2 days ago.
This time I was inside Madhouse in Anker köz, which I did not regret due to the cold and rainy weather outside.
The table I had was the tiniest ever, but I had a lot of space behind me and also put a part of my work on a chair next to my table.
Thank you all who come to kiskert piac, stopped by and supported my small business.
You can meet with me twice in December.
5th and 12th December, same place and the same time. Madhouse, Anker köz, between 10-16
My pictures will be attending a pop-up designer market at the Zani store, in Szerb utca 17.
Pictures will be randomly selected, so if you want to have one of my pictures as a present for Xmas, make sure you book it with me and I bring it to kiskert piac. Otherwise, they will be available in the Zani store.
In November I got my first overseas custom order from Ireland. 🙂
I was asked to design a birthday greeting card based on Asuka Langley Soryu for a girl who will turn 13 years old in December. The delivery arrived at the correct address and can’t wait that the birthday girl will see her present made by me 🙂
See the result below:
Hope to see you in December!